All views, ideas and plans of Ronald E. Waterman are assembled in a publication entitled ‘Integrated Coastal Policy via Building with Nature®’.
The book can be regarded as a master piece of documentation in the field of Coastal Zone Development & Maintenance. It represents both national and international a milestone in the history of the development of Delta Technology.

English version: Integrated Coastal Policy via Building with Nature®
ISBN/EAN 978-90-805222-3-7
Luxurious, binded document
450 pages with over 450 illustrations and DVD
Prize € 127,20 incl. 6% VAT
Dutch version: Naar een Integraal Kustbeleid via Bouwen met de Natuur
ISBN/EAN 978-90-805222-2-0
Luxurious, binded document
500 pages with over 450 illustrations and DVD
Prize € 127,20 incl. 6% VAT

How to order?
Please complete your order on the downloadable orderform and post it to the following address:
Ronald E. Waterman
Prof. Evertslaan 122
The Netherlands